Friday, December 3, 2010

Progress (thankful for little things)

I have a SuDoKu taped to the refrigerator. It is an 'easy' puzzle. Numbers are written in orange colored pencil. It also has a date written on it.   I have completed my first SuDoKu puzzle since the injury.  I have no idea how long it took me to complete. I just remember that it was hard to focus on something and keep all of the numbers correct. I kept checking my answers and re-checking.

When I placed it on the refrigerator, I felt like the kid who got her first "A" in math.  I know it's something to be proud of, this accomplishment, but I also know that it is one in a series of small steps to getting "better".  I have a niggling fear that I won't ever return to 'normal'.  But I also have a hope that whatever becomes of me, that I will be good and interesting and grateful. 

If you had the ability to re-shape your life, what would you do?

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